My area of focus in photography changed a few years ago toward macro photography. It seemed that photographing bugs and flowers might allow me to escape the crowds and all-too-popular iconic sites of landscape photography. An early step in this process was to build a bug stage allowing for easier placement of the bugs, lights, flashes and my camera.
Tag Archives: Photography
Rafting the Colorado River

Colorado River deep within the Grand Canyon
Recently I spent 10 days floating 226 miles down the Colorado River. This was not a river trip to experience the excitement of running the rapids, rather it was strictly a photography trip.
The Spider and the Fly

Fang, the Jumping Spider
My latest macro photography has included jumping spiders. So now I have one as a pet… It likes to eat live flies. Continue reading
Macro Photography: Bellows as a Macro Lens
A common 55mm lenses mounted backwards on bellows can produce a macro photograph in the range of five times life size. What are the advantages of a bellows vs. the Canon MP-E 65mm lens? How does one set up a macro lens using a bellows?
The Macro Lens Photography Hoax – Second in a Series

Sergeant Pepper
Avid photographers with an expensive macro lens may use it for years and years, never taking a single macro photograph… Continue reading
My Journey into Macro Photography… First in a Series

Bee on a Cone Flower
I’ve been exploring macro photography as an alternative to following the crowd and photographing landscapes, beautiful sunsets, sunrises and iconic locations. Continue reading
A Walk Around New Mexico
For me, this photo has the quintessential qualities of Northern New Mexico, beautiful clouds, blue skies, and adobe architecture. Much of this trip was spent simply walking around Santa Fe and Taos, not necessarily on a photo trip, but still looking for great photographs.
Yellowstone in the Winter

Yellowstone Winter Firehole
This past winter I spent five full days exploring Yellowstone National Park by snow coach. Passenger cars are not allowed at that time. The only modes of transportation inside the park are snowmobiles or snow coaches. I signed up with Gerlach Nature Photography Workshops led by Barbara Eddy and John Gerlach. It was a wonderful time with two very knowledgeable leaders. We were exploring the park daily from shortly after sunrise to past sunset.
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The Zion Subway
The Subway in Zion National Park is a magical, iconic place. After seeing a photo so unlike anything we can really relate to, most photographers will seriously explore making this difficult all-day trek.
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Harold Hall, Grand Prize Winner New Mexico Magazine
I am very happy to announce that I won the 2013 New Mexico Magazine annual Photography Contest. This is something I have worked to win for the past several years. Here is a link to the article which appeared in the February issue. I sent the magazine two photos of me for this layout, one with a hat and one without. I guess they thought the hat was more western and a better fit.