Black Sand Beach of Iceland

Black sand beach Iceland

The Black Sand Beach in Iceland is a tourist destination along the main road in southern Iceland, east of Reykjavík. Here you can expect wedding photographers, tour buses, food trucks, patrolled paid parking and a few avid photographers.

Winter is a better time of year to visit the Black Sand Beach of Iceland.  There are some wonderful hotels nearby.  Winter is best from a photography point of view because the light is better with the sun lower in the horizon, bigger storms and larger icebergs on the beach.  During the summer months, the iceberg remnants are having a contest to see which can melt away the fastest.  In the winter it is a struggle of survival for the heartiest photographer.  I visited in the winter of 2015.  Iceland Winter Visit.  Our goal in 2024 was to photograph Iceland from the air, from both an airplane and a helicopter.  But first we need to travel to our tiny inland airport, photographing southern Iceland along the way.

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Cruising Antarctica Among the Icebergs, Penguins and Seals

Penguin calling the rock

We often saw penguins making long, arduous treks for no reason apparent to us. Where is this guy going?

On board the Greg Mortimer expedition ship we continued to cruise among giant icebergs and islands, looking for penguins and seals.  The photos in these Antarctica blogs are shown in the approximate order in which they were taken.  So you are seeing the trip unfold as I saw it.  The best is yet to come…

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Antarctica Quest

We visited Antarctica in March of 2024.  I’ve completed a journey to all seven continents now.  Whoopie!  Our visit was at the end of the southern hemisphere summer cruise season, with only one excursion later than ours.  Ours was a cruise full of penguins, leopard seals, more penguins and best of all, singing whales.  But first, we have to get there….  Our Antarctic quest would begin by flying from Atlanta to Punta Arenas at the southern tip of Chile, then flying on to Antarctica, then cruising back to Ushuaia, Argentina.

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Alaska Revisited


Eagle Portrait on July 4th, 2018.

How appropriate to photograph an American bald eagle on the Fourth of July in Alaska.  In Hoonah, Alaska I was able to slowly approach this eagle which had apparently just eaten some fish.  Yep, we made a return visit to Alaska to visit Denali National Park and cruise the beautiful coastline for a second time in two months.

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Back in the USA

America! America!

America! …for purple mountain majesties

It was quite a wonderful sight to finally see the mountains of Alaska from our cruise ship.  First small mountains in the distance, the Aleutian Islands, then bigger mountain ranges on the Alaskan mainland.  Back in the USA after about six months of travel to places too hot for any human.  Great to see snow again.

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