Chicago Living Room of Rented Apartment
We are not the type of people who collect or shop anywhere near the amount most people do. My wife has never ever gone shopping for entertainment, she hates shopping. Our houses have always been uncluttered. We thought we were minimalist, but somehow we now have two storage lockers full of stuff, one in Illinois and one in the Southwest. We have already had the locker in Illinois for two years, at $114 per month. Our second locker, big enough to store the truck when necessary, is $100 a month. If we now travel around for five years, we will have incurred $15,800 in storage fees. I can assure you that we could come close to replacing our ‘stuff’ for that price, I think. But we have some pieces of art that mean a lot to us, like Pedro there with the big glass head and basket of blue eggs standing watch over our living room in Chicago.
So if you are contemplating extensive travels, start now to pare down your belongings,
Good preparation advice!