Sunset Trails
It may sound extravagant that we choose to take a 16 night cruise to Barcelona vs. flying to start our extended European visit. However, when home free, we must pay to live somewhere and the trans-Atlantic cruise takes care of our room and board for two plus weeks.

Calm Seas
Combine this with the return cruise and an entire month of living expenses are taken care of for the two of us. To make a comparison between a 16 night cruise and a 1 day flight to Barcelona, we cannot simply compare the cost of the cruise to the cost of flying from Phoenix. The flight would certainly get us into Barcelona sooner, but the cost comparison would need to include lodging and food for 16 nights on land. Everyone has different levels of accommodations and dining. Using our previous trip to Europe as a guide I calculate the cruise to be cheaper by almost $2,000 when taking the 16 nights into consideration.

Storm Clouds at Sea
In addition, I find the days at sea the most enjoyable. The view of the sea changes dramatically each day, from large waves to a smooth ocean, clouds and reflections. While cruising, there are absolutely zero decisions to make. I’ll actually be a bit disappointed when we arrive at a port as the days at sea are so enjoyable.

Life Boat Waves
Days at sea can be an exercise in over indulgence or simply exercise. Each day we skip breakfast, except for orange juice and coffee, then off to the exercise room we go. So the cost of joining an exercise club is also taken care of at sea. Bon Voyage!

Ocean Blues

Boat Abstract
We will enjoy your travels blogs. Thanks!
Thank you for your interest in our travels. Our cruise will begin in April, after I file our taxes…..
Some gorgeous stuff from your Icelandic adventure !
Excuse my irreverence – but while scrolling through them, I did a double take on ” The Golden Hour along the Londrangar Basalt Cliffs’ ( #13 of the most recent 48) When first viewing the photo I almost fell out of my chair, because your watermark on the photo made it look like some hooligan named Harold Hall, had painted graffiti on the forefront stone cliffs before preserving the moment in picture form 😉
I know you are more into shapes, and abstracts, then scenery. And Basalt Blues along with Iceberg Beach are perfect examples of a blending of both. Really cool job with those.
But Kirkjufell Evening is one of the most gorgeous “scenery” pictures I have ever viewed. Just – Wow. Excellent.
Thank you Doug, I think I had better get my BLOG from the trip to Iceland posted soon. Thank you for looking at my photos. I certainly had an amazing time.
Very interesting…beautiful pics! I look forward to reading and seeing more of your blog…thank yu!
These at sea pics and discussion are great. Thought provoking lifestyle discussion. We’ve never done a cruise but these posts are making me want to.
Reid, On this BLOG Page is a list on the right hand side, “Blog Topics”. Click on “Cruise” to see my other discussions of our transatlantic voyages. On a cruise one can be as active or calm and relaxed as they wish. We immensely enjoyed it, yet did very little night life. One cruise had an Apple store and they gave talks everyday on how to better work the devices. The crowd got bigger and bigger every day. I enjoy the down time, no decisions, no stress, just the mesmerizing sea. Thank you for viewing.