The blue-footed booby is one of the more well-known species of birds in the Galapagos Islands. This booby is looking skyward and has apparently spotted a female, so he begins to strut and dance.
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Category Archives: Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Iguanas and Friends
This Galapagos marine iguana is likely a female. She is happily feeding on the green algae which gets exposed during low tide. Larger male iguanas, with their bigger body mass, are better adapted to diving deep into the cold waters when searching for food. This iguana is relatively brightly colored since she is wet and not yet dried out from basking in the sun.
Under water in the Galapagos
Snorkeling should be a part of everyone’s agenda when visiting the Galapagos. You will swim among the large lumbering sea turtles, marine iguanas, cormorants and inquisitive seals. Continue reading
Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos Tortoise
Flower vendors are a common sight in Quito, Ecuador. Flowers do not seem to be a luxury item or relegated to only special occasions. Old, young and the not-so-well-to-do could be seen carrying two dozen roses back home on Saturday morning. Continue reading