After leaving Uganda our photography safari led us to the Kenya savanna. Seeing the big cats in the wild, up close and personal, was to be a high point, culminating with the wondrous wildebeest crossing of the Mara River. Someone forgot to tell the wildebeest. There was no crossing. None, nada. Continue reading
Kenya is for the Birds
Kenya is for the Birds
From the ugly marabou stork and the very gross hornbills to the beautiful weavers and shiny Guineafowls, Kenya has quite the variety of birds. Taking advantage of my camera which will take up to 20 frames a second, these bird photos will often be shown here as a series of photos. To not lose my audience too quickly, I’ll start off with the attractive African weaver birds before getting into the ugly and gross.
Kenya Photo Safari
Kenya Photo Safari Begins
The next couple weeks were spent bouncing around Kenya exploring the savanna from the window of a Land Rover. I was the only person in our ten photographer group to not print off the correct travel documents for entry into Kenya from Uganda. Fortunately, we had gotten to the airport in time to correct this oversight. More African travel frustrations. Continue reading
More Gorilla Trekking in Uganda
This was our third and final trek to see the gorillas. I’m thinking I should take more movies to record the sights AND sounds. However, I did record them on my phone since some of the sounds were in the dark. After Uganda we fly on to Kenya where we are supposed to see ‘The Great Migration’.
Gorilla Trekking in Uganda
I was fortunate to go on three different gorilla treks and see three different gorilla families in Uganda. These hikes varied in time from twenty minutes to three hours. I have thousands of photos of gorillas with faces hidden by dense leaves and foliage.
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Uganda, Africa
In July of 2022 I visited Africa for the first time. How could I be considered a world traveler never having visited Africa? My flights to Africa were the most arduous travel I’ve ever experienced. Delayed flights, lost luggage and an unscheduled 18 hour layover in Dubai. Traveling alone added to the angst. I arrived at 3:00am a day late for the safari…
Grand Canyon Erosion Photography
Most any photo of the Grand Canyon landscape will reveal the many colorful layers of very different rocks. Billions of years of erosion and upheaval have revealed ten distinct layers. My favorite to photograph was the vishnu shist.
Reflections in the Grand Canyon
It seems viewers expect photos of the Grand Canyon to look like, well, the Grand Canyon. However, a great variety of reflections in the Colorado River kept me occupied. These abstract, more intimate scenes, are preferable to me over your typical landscape photography.
Rafting the Colorado River
Recently I spent 10 days floating 226 miles down the Colorado River. This was not a river trip to experience the excitement of running the rapids, rather it was strictly a photography trip.
Reflections of the Colorado River
In April of 2022 I was fortunate to snag a single spot rafting down the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon for 10 days. Continue reading